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By Al Mayadeen |Source: CBS

In a number of statements and accusations against Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman, former Saudi official Saad al-Jabri breaks his silence for the first time since he escaped the kingdom in 2017.

Al-Jabri: Bin Salman planned to kill King Abdullah with a Russian poison…he is mentally ill

Former Saudi spymaster Saad al-Jabri said that Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman is a « psychopath with no empathy, [who] doesn’t feel emotion, » and « never learns from his experience.

In an interview with « 60 Minutes » on CBS, he claimed to have two recordings of Mohammad bin Salman wherein he says he wanted to kill King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz, adding that MBS spoke in 2014 with Mohammad bin Nayef, the former crown prince, about assassinating King Abdullah with a poison ring he acquired from Russia, and the matter was dealt with within the royal family.

He declared he didn’t know « whether he’s just bragging, » but bin Salman told bin Nayef « I want to assassinate King Abdullah. I got a poison ring from Russia. It’s enough for me just to shake his hand. »

Al-Jabri claimed that bin Salman asked him to kidnap Saudi princes opposed to him living in Europe, which the spymaster refused to do, leading the Crown Prince to begin relying on his own team of men.

Regarding the assassination of journalist Jamal Khashoggi, Al-Jabri revealed that bin Salman’s men are criminals who want to fulfill their objectives by any means necessary, and don’t care about being professional.

He said that he received a warning to never be in the « proximity of any Saudi mission in Canada » and not to go to the consulate or the embassy. When he inquired as to why, he was told they dismembered the journalist and killed him, and that al-Jabri was « on the top of the list. »

Al-Jabri further claimed that he expects to be killed one day, because bin Salman fears the information he has and will not rest until he sees him dead, adding that he recorded a video containing many secrets and information, which will be published if he was ever killed.

The former spymaster demanded the release of his children, Omar and Sara, from the kingdom, pleading with the people of the US and the Biden administration to help save his children and aid them to regain their lives.

He brought up the kidnapping of former Lebanese Prime Minister Saad al-Hariri, saying that Mohammad bin Salman invited him to Saudi Arabia and kidnapped him.

As for the war on Yemen, he noted that bin Salman is killing thousands of civilians in this war, an act which Human Rights Watch equated to war crimes, and added that the Crown Prince has committed multiple crimes and massacres.

Al-Jabri denied accusations against him of embezzling funds from Saudi Arabia, saying he served the royal family for close to two decades, with three kings and four crown princes. He stated that they were very generous and kind to him, which is a royal custom, as they take care of those around them.

The Saudi embassy in Washington released a statement two days ago, saying that Al-Jabri is an uncredible government official, with a long history of making up claims and diverting attention away from the financial crimes he committed, estimated to be in the billions of dollars, to provide a luxurious lifestyle for his family and himself.

The statement added that al-Jabri did not deny his crimes, but in fact pointed out that robbery was acceptable at the time, although it was not; it was not legal at the time, nor is it now.

Al-Jabri escaped from Saudi Arabia to Turkey, then to Canada in 2017, and was the #2 man in former Crown Prince Mohammad bin Nayef’s team.
